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Weifang Medallion Plant

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President’s Message

President’s Message Company News

President’s Message
To our valued customers and partners:

For over two decades, Medallion Foods has adapted to consumer preferences for fruits and jellies. We have the deeply held thought, that the mission of a food company is to contribute its own unique values to "food culture" through the manufacture of a wide range of values-based products. As our name indicate, that Medallion means ‘ a gold medal of taste, quality and price’.

From the beginning of establishment, We’re devoted to bringing the joy of eating to everyone, in different ways, at any time, in different places. As such, for our products we maintain a staunch adherence to keeping the fresh taste and rich nutrition in the containers. And what is more, no preservatives used. This is ensures that the great-tasting and ready-to-eat products are made safely and as delicious as possible.

At the same time, we make sure that the responsibilities at each stage of production, from farm to consumer’s table, are taken seriously in a continuous effort to guarantee the fresher and cheaper products placed on the table directly.

Today, we find ourselves amid a particularly dynamic period as consumers increasingly look for greener, faster and better commitments for our products. We understand and appreciate their desires, and have been moving rapidly to expand our offerings to meet their expectations through wide ranges of packaging and product innovations.

On behalf of myself, and everyone at Medallion Foods, we hope to provide you continued support and help your business in the future.